Create a link for a post

Create a Post Link: How to Create a Post Link in the Link Wizard

Select a board from → the app Maker V3 page → Step 3 Page → Select the HTML Editor option

*If you want to link a post to a board, then first select the board and then link the post to it.

*If you only want to create a link and copy it to another place, you can select any board.

(Since you are only creating a link, it doesn't matter which board pick to write post)

1) Select the [Insert link] button from the option bar.

2) Select the [Link Wizard] button.

3) In the Link Wizard window, click on [Search Articles].

4) Search for the post you want to link to. (Search by post title)

5) Click on the [Apply] button.

6)Click on the [Insert] button.

7)On the post creation screen, you can see that a link to the post has been created.

Please copy the link and use it.

2. How can I use it?

You can link all posts from the link wizard to the board.

If you link directly from a category, you can't link the post directly, so you can import the created link and apply it as a web link.

1)When using app production V3 version

1) App Maker V3 screen - Select the STEP3 page

2) Select Menu.

*If you haven't created a menu, please create a new one. (Select the [+] shape button to add the menu)

3) Enter a menu name.

4) Select [Web Link] from the page design.

5) Select [Link website].

6) Paste the link to the post you copied earlier in the website address field.

7) Click on the [Apply URL] button.

8) Press the [Save] button to finish.

2)When using the V2 version of the app production

On the Swing app creation page, go to the → page menu.

1. Select the [Add category] button to add a menu to apply the board.

2. Enter a menu name.

3. Menu type: Select [Weblink].

4. Select the [Link Wizard] button.

5. Paste the link to the post you copied earlier in the web link address field.

6. Select the [Reflect] button

7. [Apply] button

8. Press the [Save] button and you're done.

*Icons are optional.

3)App launch screen

When you select the menu, you can see that you are taken directly to the corresponding post page.


1. The generated post link can only be used within the app. It is not an externally available link.

*This is a link published by an app, so it is different from a regular website link.

2. The link to the post is only available in the app.

For example, a link to a post created in app A will only be reflected in app A and cannot be applied to app B or app C.

*Only available in connected apps

Last updated