Paid usage and uploading FAQ

I purchased a pass and a ticket to upload to the store. Do I have to do anything more after making the payment?

After making the payment , **you will need to apply for upload to the Play Store and App Store in the App **Manager - Version Control – [App Creation History] menu.

An upload request must come in before the representative can register your app with Sto.

Therefore, after purchasing the pass and the upload ticket, please complete the upload application form and complete the upload application.

When I apply for a PlayStore upload, will the app be released immediately?

We'll act on behalf of Swing2App and upload the app to the Play Store.

You will be reviewed by Google Apps.

Google app review takes an average of about a week (7 days).

So uploading doesn't mean your app will be released right away.

If there are no issues after the review, it will be released to the Store after the review period (within 7 days).

Please tell us about the Play Store and App Store review period.

Both the Play Store and the App Store take an average of 7 days.

Because the audit is going in, it may take faster or later depending on the audit.

If there are no issues with the review, the release will be released immediately after the above review period, but if the PlayStore review is rejected, the release date may be further delayed.

Please allow some time to apply.

What is the difference between the paid version and the free version?

The biggest difference between the paid and free versions is being able to upload to the market and what you don't have.

Free is only available as an Android phone installation file, and paid money can be commercialized and released in stores such as the Play Store, App Store, etc.

The second is the difference in capacity.

The free version offers 100MB basic and the paid version offers from 2GB to 50GB depending on the product type.

The third is the difference in the number of bulletin board productions and the number of group chat rooms opened.

The free version allows you to create 30 bulletin boards and 1 group chat room.

The paid version can be produced from 100 bulletin boards to unlimited (depending on product type) and from 5 to unlimited group chat rooms (depending on product type).

Finally, the number of app creations is different.

Paid users can create up to 10 apps per account, while free users can create up to 3 apps per account.

However, the free version also has most of the features available, so try it out for free and switch to paid if you need it ^^

Please check the Swing2App Service Policy for details.

☞ [Swing Pricing]

How many days are in the 1-month subscription?

When you purchase a 1-month paid app subscription, the total number of days of use is 30 days.

Since the total number of days varies from month to month (some months with 28 days, and there are also 30 and 31 days), the 1-month period is 30 days. Therefore, 180 days of use will be entered when you pay for 6 months, and 360 days will be entered when you pay for 12 months.

In particular, some people ask if it is not 365 days because you paid for 1 year, but it applies to the number of days calculated as 1 month and 30 days!! Please keep that in mind.

How do I check which version of the app has been listed in the Store?

For those who have uploaded through Swing2App, you can access each platform (App Store, Play Store) to see the version of the app that has been released.

Even if you don't have access to each store, you can also check it on the swing2app Manager page.

* You can check the market version for each platform >On Manager page> the version control > market registration management page.

You can also go directly to the market from that page, and you can see a variety of information, including information registered in the store.

Does the App Store allow users to directly place apps on the market?

The App Store doesn't allow you to upload directly even if you have an Apple developer account.

Users cannot upload directly, and can only upload on a Swing2App basis.

Apple, unlike Google, doesn't register app files, but instead requires the developer's app development source, security content related to development, etc., so users can't upload it directly.

Please understand that it can only be uploaded by the developer (Swing to App).

(App Store upload agency: 1 time $20)

☞ [Go to see how to apply for App Store upload]

Can the app be updated from time to time after I register for the Store?

Apps created by Swing2App can be modified and updated from time to time.

However, there is something that needs to be updated in the version, not a real-time reflection.

- Automatic reflection of fixes is only automatically reflected when you modify and add step 3 page steps and app operation menus.

*Update required (menu that needs to be re-created and uploaded to a new version)

-Step 1 Basic information (app name, app icon image, standby screen image)

Step 2 Design Theme (Prototype, Color)

If you make any of the above modifications, select the Update App button to recreate the app in a new version.

The Play Store and App Store also need to be updated to the new version of the app.

Since the Play Store can be updated directly by the user, and the App Store can only be done on the agency, you will need to purchase an App Store upload ticket and apply for an App Store upload.

(If you find it difficult to do the Play Store yourself, please apply after purchasing the PlayStore upload ticket)

Is the free version of the app not available on the Store?

The free version of the app produced by Swing2apps cannot be commercialized. (Available for personal use only)

Therefore, if you use it for the purpose of launching it in the store, you will need to purchase a subscription to the paid app provided by the Swing to App.

After switching to a paid app, you can launch it in the Store with that app.

When uploading to the store, I get a message that the existing version or package is the same.

If you try to upload the same version of the aab file as the one already registered, the message will appear.

When uploading a newly updated app, please make sure it is different from the previous version and upload the aab file created by the new version.

I want to edit the information for an app released on the Play Store.

Since the app is registered with the user's Google developer account, the Play Store can directly modify and update the information afterward.

For instructions on how to edit and update your PlayStore information, please refer to the **** manual below.

Go to the PlayStore app update

If you find it difficult to do it yourself, please apply to upload to the Swing2App and we will update it.

*Play Store upload ticket $10 purchase and application

I want to edit the information for an app released on the App Store.

The App Store requires an app update review to correct the information.

Since the App Store does not allow users to make their own modifications, modifying only the release information will also require you to purchase an App Store upload ticket and re-apply for the upload.

*App Store Upload Ticket $20 purchase and application

Last updated