PlayStore FAQ

If I apply for a PlayStore upload to the Swing2App app, will the app be released immediately?

We'll act on behalf of Swing2App and upload the app to the Play Store.

It's not going to be released right away, it's going to be reviewed by Google apps.

Google app screening takes an average of about a week.

So uploading doesn't mean your app will be released right away.

If there are no issues after the review, it will be released to the Store after the review period (within 7 days).

How long does it take to review a Play Store app?

The average review period for a Play Store takes a week. (within 7 days)

If there are no issues with the review, the release will be released immediately after the above review period, but if the PlayStore review is rejected, the release date may be further delayed.

Please allow some time to apply.

When uploading a Play Store app, do I have to create a Google developer account?

Google (Play Store) is not registered as a proxy and you must create your own Google developer account. _Google Policy Matters

When uploading to the Play Store, please fill in the application form – Google Developer Account ID and Password and we will register the app with your user account.

**☞ **Find out how to register for a Google Developer Account

How do I create a Play Store Google Developer Account?

*How to register for a PlayStore developer account

1. Create a Google account (Gmail). (If you already have Gmail, you don't need to sign up.) 2. to access the developer console site

3. Developer Registration Lifetime Pass is a $25 payment.

4. Enter your developer profile and you're done.

The advantage of creating a developer account is that users can upload their own apps, and they can modify them from time to time and update to a new version of the app without having to buy a market-upload ticket.

You can also manage your own apps while checking your own app installations and statistics.

☞ [How to register a Google developer GO]

I want to rename the PlayStore developer

Google can be used by editing the name of the first developer. Access the Google Developer Console site ( → Select Settings in the left category → You can edit the developer’s name on the developer profile page and save it. *Developer name is not reflected immediately after editing. It may take up to 7 days with Google’s approval, so if you need to change your name, please save it in advance.

Please refer to the manual for details on how to change the developer name.

☞ Go to the [Google Developer Name Change Manual]

How do I register keywords when registering for the Play Store?

The Google Play Store Market upload registration does not have a keyword entry field unlike Apple's.

Instead, Google creates keywords based on your other information, etc., through indexing (keyword extraction) operations.

So the market upload registration is very important, right?

Here is a link to a simple Android Market upload registration tip**.**

☞ [PlayStore Search Good TIP]

Can Play Store user upload their own app without swing2app?

Yes, of course.

If you have a Google Developer account, the Play Store allows you to upload directly.

Instructions for releasing the app on the Play Store are also included in the help manual so you can follow along while viewing the manual.

[PlayStore Update Manual]

If you’re having difficulty uploading yourself, you can ask for an upload agent on Swing2App.

(Play store upload agency cost: $5/each time)

How do I update apps that has been released on the Play Store?

If you would like to update your app to the Play Store, please resubmit your upload to Swing2App. Please purchase a Play Store upload request ticket ($5 per request) and reapply for upload. However, Play Store has all the developer accounts of the user, so you can update them yourself. You don’t have to buy an upload ticket if you do it yourself, and you can update it from time to time.

Updating a new version of your app to the Play Store is easy. -Login to the Google Developer Console site and register a new version of the app in the APK menu. -Then it is automatically updated to the new version after the 3-4 hour review period. *Store registration information can also be edited. Uploaded to the store – When you change the app description, screenshot image, category, etc., the Submit Update button at the top is activated. Unlike uploading APK files, if you edit the store settings, the update will be processed only by pressing the corresponding button. The same will be reflected after the 3-4 hour review period.

[Go to the PlayStore App Update Manual]

During the PlayStore update, I got a message that the existing version or package is the same.

If you try to upload the same version of the aab file as the one already registered, the message will appear.

When uploading a newly updated app, please make sure it is different from the previous version and upload the aab file created by the new version.

Your PlayStore app has been rejected for review. What should I do?

If you've been rejected for review of a Play Store app, you'll need to check your email from Google as to why it was rejected.

To your Google developer account, we'll send you an email informing you how to act on what policies your app violates in your email.

So if you're being rejected, check your email first to see the notice you received from Google.

Please act as stated in the e-mail and re-edit it to request an review.

Since the review was rejected, if you modify the content in question and submit it for review, you will be able to release it.

An app that was well listed on the Play Store was suddenly deleted. What should I do?

The Play Store will periodically filter and re-screen apps that are currently in operation.

At this time, the contents of the app are examined in great detail , so even an app that was initially registered well may be suspended from publishing the app due to a violation of the policy or a violation of the regulations.

Apps that have been suspended from publishing can re-register after fixing the offending item.

Usually, when an app is deleted, Google will send you an email about what content the app has violated its policies.

So you can identify and act on what is at stake.

However, there are times when action is not taken.

If the degree of policy violation is severe and Google does not restore it, the app will not be available again.

In this case, you can't re-upload an existing app, and you'll need to re-register it as a new app (app name change, package change).

What should I do if my app goes down with the Google Update policy?

Google is constantly updating its policies.

Users who have launched and are using the app on the Play Store should always check Google's update policy to update the app periodically.

If you don't modify your app to comply with our update policy, you can remove it from the Store without notice.

Action is difficult because the app is unloaded without any prior warning.

Therefore, during use, please carefully check the update and policy notification e-mail sent by Google to be proactive.

The Swing2App will always provide you with a plan of action in line with Google's policy changes, so if you have difficulty confirming what this is about, please leave an inquiry to the Swing2App website.

Your PlayStore account has been deleted. What should I do?

If you violate the rules multiple times, Google will delete your account without notice.

** Deleted app accounts can be resolved by sending an appeal email to Google.

However, be aware that if you are sure that the policy has been violated, it will not be easy to restore it.

If your account is not restored, you can re-create a Google Developer Account and register a new app.

By creating a new account altogether, it won't work with existing apps, and you won't be able to manage existing apps.

Therefore, you should be careful to follow Google's policies and regulations to ensure that your account is not deleted as well as deleting the app.

Last updated